Meridans flow throughout the body similarly to rivers on earth.  Meridians run both deeply and superficially, following major blood vessels and nerve pathways.  These meridians are filled with energy known as qi (pronounced “chee”).  Qi gathers in acupuncture points along the meridians.  When qi is blocked, circulation is impaired which leads to dysfunction.  As a dammed river causes water to flood and build up while the cut off area becomes dry and deficient, a blocked meridian interrupts the body’s healthy flow of qi.  By inserting and manipulating needles at specific points on the body, I am able to return the body to its natural balance and promote the body’s ability to heal itself.  The needles are highest quality surgical stainless steel, sterile, and one time use only.

From a Western perspective, inserting needles stimulates nerves that transmit electrical impulses to the brain.  The brain, in turn, releases neurotransmitters and endorphins—the body’s natural pain-killing hormones.  These hormones not only relax the whole body, they regulate serotonin in the brain which regulates human disposition.  Acupuncture has been observed to increase circulation, decrease inflammation, relieve pain, relieve muscle spasms, and increase T-cell count which stimulates the immune system.


I have experienced a great deal of success treating the following:  

  • Allergies

  • Bell’s Palsy

  • Cancer support (side effects of chemotherapy and radiation)

  • Circulatory disorders (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, A-FIB, and arteriosclerosis)

  • Diabetes prevention and management

  • Digestive Disorders (i.e., acid reflux, heart burn, IBS, IBD, constipation, diarrhea, etc)

  • Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders

  • Fibromyalgia

  • General Inflammation and swelling

  • Gynecological disorders

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • Infertility

  • Musculoskeletal issues

  • Pregnancy Support

  • Psycho-emotional issues (depression, anxiety, insomnia)

  • Stress related conditions

  • Tinnitus

  • TMJ

  • Urogenital Disorders (UTI, interstitial cystitis, incontinence)

If what you would like to work on is not on this list, please email or call me at (707) 235-0280 and I will let you know if you are a good candidate for treatment.  If not, I’ll do my best to refer you to someone who may be able to help you.


The short answer is it varies a lot depending on your condition, your age, your lifestyle, etc.  Many people feel very relaxed right after acupuncture and then experience a noticeable improvement in symptoms around 4 to 24 hours after their treatment.  It can take up to 72 hours to feel the full effects of an acupuncture treatment.

In the beginning, the improvement may last from a few days to a week or so.  Each treatment adds to the cumulative healing effect.  I’m always looking for a reduction in the frequency, intensity, and duration of symptoms.  This is not something you will have to do forever.  My goal is to return you to health as soon as possible.  After their initial health issues are resolved, some patients come once or twice a month or even a few times a year in order to maintain a healthy state, while some patients return when a new health issue arises.  You are in charge of your care, and I am here to support you.


Acupuncture treatments are typically very relaxing and pain free.  Hair-thin, flexible, stainless steel needles are gently inserted with the highest consideration given for your comfort.  Sensations that are typically reported are a light pressure, distention, or a spreading, travelling feeling.  Patients often fall asleep, and I am frequently asked, “Can I stay here all day?”


Herbal remedies are an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and are often used in conjunction with acupuncture for added therapeutic effect.  Herbs act to reduce problematic symptoms, support the immune system, and bolster the body’s own natural resistance to ease symptoms.  Reaching back several thousand years, the sophistication of Chinese herbal medicine is unsurpassed.  This specialized system is now used to treat everything from the common cold to certain types of cancer.

Individual herbs are combined into a formula that is specific to your condition.  Chinese herbs are extremely effective and normally have only mild side effects, however it is very important to tell me about all the medications and supplements you are currently taking so that we can avoid any unwanted interactions with your formula.  Herbal remedies can be taken internally as capsules, caplets, tinctures, syrups and teas, as well as externally in the forms of creams, salves, oils, and liniments.


Shen-Hammer Pulse Diagnosis, also known as Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis, is the result of Leon Hammer’s refinement of the pulse system which he inherited through the tutelage of Dr. John Shen. With 80 qualities, 6 Principal positions, 22 Complementary positions, and 8 Depths it offers an extraordinary amount of information about a person’s past, present and future health.

As described by Dr Leon Hammer, “The Normal pulse is a sensitive and precise measurable standard of health. It enables us to detect early deviations from health. It provides us with a preventive medicine. All of these capabilities are almost completely lacking in our modern health care system” The significance of this statement lies precisely in the capacity of the pulse to become a tool for preventive medicine, and as an evolving means of incorporating expanding bodies of knowledge into the rich framework of traditional Chinese Medicine in the service of this ideal.

Please feel free to contact me by email or telephone (707) 235-0280 if you have any questions.

145 Pleasant Hill Ave N, Ste 104, Sebastopol, CA 95472